Upgrade Your Smile with a CEREC® Dental Crown

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If you are looking to upgrade or enhance any damaged or unsightly teeth you may have, consider the benefits that CEREC® dental crowns can provide. Not only are they extremely durable, but they can protect a tooth from further damage such as tooth decay. In addition, if the tooth has been worn down, it may be ineffective at chewing or could easily impair your speech.

With a CEREC crown, the tooth can be restored to its proper size and function within your smile. CEREC dental crown works by placing a cap over your tooth down to the gum line for a protective hold that can last over a decade. Not only can a CEREC crown improve your smile, it can be created in as little as one office visit.

Most dental crowns require the use of temporary crowns as you wait for yours to be milled and sent back from a lab, which can take weeks. The temporary crown is not customized to your dental profile and can cause discomfort and pain. CEREC same-day crowns can be done so fast because they are milled directly at the office by a dentist to ensure you can have the fit, shape, and crown when you need it, rather than waiting for the right one to arrive.

No matter which CEREC treatment you desire, Dr. Christopher Pavletic and our team at Trine Dental Group will make sure that your teeth are properly treated. To schedule an oral exam or professional cleaning at our dental office in Orland Park, Illinois, please contact us at 708-448-2588. A healthy smile is a happy smile!