Sharing a Toothbrush is Bad for You

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Do you ever consider using someone else’s toothbrush? Do you think using a toothbrush isn’t a problem, especially if you’re only sharing with a significant other? Would you be surprised to learn that you should actually never share your toothbrush with anyone? As you’ve probably guessed, you also shouldn’t lend your toothbrush to anyone. You see, there are a number of health risks that could follow sharing a toothbrush. Sadly, these risks can affect your whole body.

The human mouth is full of bacteria. Granted, some of these bacteria are good. For example, did you know that you need some bacteria to help you digest your food? However, most bacteria is not helpful. In fact, one common bacteria, known as streptococcus mutans, is extremely contagious. However, this bacteria can lead to several cavities. Sadly, toothbrushes tend to carry harmful bacteria such as these—leading to a number of problems.

Similarly, many people bleed when they brush their teeth. In other words, if you share your toothbrush, you could also be sharing blood and saliva as well. This can be a serious issue because you could be exposing yourself to blood borne viruses such as herpes and hepatitis.

There are other serious diseases that can live on toothbrushes. For instance, a frayed toothbrush could harbor serious issues, such as the germs that harbor pneumonia. Similarly, toothbrushes can carry HPV, which has been linked to esophageal, oral, and cervical cancers. Finally, sharing a toothbrush can make you more likely to have gum disease.

If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We will be glad to assess the health of our smile. Dr. Christopher Pavletic and our team will also be glad to answer any questions you may have. To schedule an appointment with us, please call Trine Dental Group at 708-448-2588. We are eager to receive your call.