Did you know, dental anxiety could be hurting your oral health? Well, it’s true! Dental anxiety could be keeping you from the dentist, which means cavities or gum disease could be invading your teeth and putting your oral health at risk. That is why, our team here at Trine Dental Group in Orland Park, Illinois, is happy to talk to you about dental anxiety and how they can help your smile.
Dental anxiety is a real condition that gives many people fear or anxiety when it comes to visiting your dentist. The wonderful news is there are things you can do to overcome your dental anxiety. The first thing you can do is to talk to the dental office about your feelings. Dr. Christopher Pavletic cares for your comfort and wants you to have a positive experience and feel safe in his care.
Another trick you can do to manage your dental anxiety is to distract yourself as you are in the dental chair. By wearing headphones listening to movies or music, or playing with stress balls in your hands, you can distract yourself from the main focus of what is happening. You can also try to imagine yourself in a place that makes you happy like a peaceful beach or stunning garden.
When it comes to handling your dental anxiety or stress, remember to count your breaths and take it slow. Try working out a system like a signal for your dentist to stop if you are feeling too stressed or uncomfortable. These techniques can definitely work to help you relax during your dental care. If you are ready to come in for a dental health check-up, please call us today at 708-448-2588 to set up an appointment. Our gentle and professional team is always happy to take your call.