Saliva plays a very important role in the function and health of your mouth. It helps to wash away bacterial deposits, food particles, and plaque to reduce your chances of suffering cavities and gum disease.
Chronic dry mouth can reduce your saliva production, leading to a host of other oral health problems. Identifying the underlying cause can help Dr. Christopher Pavletic to develop an effective treatment plan. This can restore the proper function of your mouth while reducing your chances of suffering oral health maladies.
It’s possible for a new prescription medication to cause decreased saliva production as a side effect. While you may need to continue taking the medication, there are still other ways to maintain adequate moisture in your mouth. This could include periodically sipping on water as you go about your day. Your physician might also be able to provide you with a prescription saliva substitute.
Chronic dehydration can also lead to chronic dry mouth problems. This is even more likely to be the case if you consume alcohol on a frequent basis or use tobacco regularly. These things can easily impair the function of saliva glands in your mouth.
There are certain medical conditions that can also affect saliva production. This could include a problem with your kidneys, liver or blood health. It’s also worth noting that oral and pharyngeal cancer can also cause dry mouth issues.
If you live in the Orland Park, Illinois, area and you have been struggling with chronic dry mouth, you should call 708-448-2588 to schedule an appointment at Trine Dental Group.