A Broken or Damaged Bridge Is Often a Dental Emergency

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Our dental team at Trine Dental Group designed your bridge to be strong and durable. Unfortunately, there are times when an accidental fall or blow to the face can impact with enough force to damage your bridge or the abutments anchoring it in place.

In a situation like this you will need to call Dr. Christopher Pavletic’s office in Orland Park, Illinois at 708-448-2588 as soon as possible to have the damage assessed. The longer you delay, the more likely you are to experience significant complications. If you can’t immediately reach us, there are a few basic first aid considerations to help you manage the problem.

You can gently rinse the area with salt water if you have blood or debris in your mouth from an accident. Any other attempts at cleaning the damaged bridge should be left to Dr. Christopher Pavletic and our skilled team.

If at all possible, you should try to avoid eating. If you need to eat something, try to stick to soft foods, and don’t chew on that side of your mouth. The more you manipulate a damaged bridge, the more likely you are to damage the bridge or one of the abutments.

If any part of your bridge or abutments are damaged, please seek immediate treatment by calling to schedule an appointment. We are happy to help you keep smiling with confidence!